このビデオを創造するときはいくつかのひらめきがプレゼントされて、出来上がりま した。公開するまでに何度も何度も見て、調和してゆったりした感覚にするようにす すめました。
このメッセージに出てくる「ライトワーカー」が誰かは分かりませんが、「知って いる」と感じました。
このメッセージに出てくる「ライトワーカー」が誰かは分かりませんが、「知って いる」と感じました。
そのように感じてくださる人はそれは自身が「真のライトワーカー」だからでし ょう。世界中がこうした人々でいっぱいになる日をとても楽しみにしています。
まず彼女に近づくと、いい気分になります。人間は皆いい気分になります。なぜか分かりませんがそうなのです。あなたはまだ彼女に会ったことはありませんが会おうと決めました。「この人はいい人だ。好きだ。もう待てない、会おう」。彼女は神の愛で輝いています。大切なことなのでそれは覚えておいてください。彼女は福音伝道的に押し付ける所はありません。彼女はそういうやり方がスピリチュアルだとは考えていないようです。宗教臭くないのです。彼女は優しいのです。はっきりとこれだとは言えないのですが、彼女は何かを持っています。それが何か分かりません。母親のエネルギーなのですか? あなたは分かりません。でも言いましょう。彼女からは神の愛が感じられ思い出すでしょう! なぜなら彼女から紐が出ています。[私たち同士を繋ぐクォンタムの弦のことですが、感じることはありません。それはスピリチュアルな性質のことで、伸ばして成長させる必要があります]。彼女のそばに行くとそれが感じられます。彼女の紐は延びています。このライトワーカーはバランスがとれています。スピリチュアルなバランスです。自分自身でいながら、人の話をよく聴きます。人に関心があります。彼女といると気分が良くなります。何も意見を言わず、押し付けることもないと感じるのです。心が広いのです、そういう彼女のそばにいたいと思いませんか? なぜ引きつけられるのでしょうか?
彼女のDNAは起動して反響しています。彼女は地球にいるのですが、一方の足はひとつの次元に、もう一方の足は別に次元にあるようです。彼女の細胞はそのことをすべて知っています。彼女は紐を外に出しました。直感的に光をどこに送ればいいか知っています。あなたは疑問に思います。「どうやったらそこまで分かるのですか?光をどこに送るのですか? いろいろありますね。名前を知っているのですか? どこの誰に送るのですか?」。彼女は私たちがいつかそのことについてもっと話すことを知っています。彼女は宇宙の知性について知っています。それは源であり、皆さんが入ることができるエネルギーのプール、すべてについてすべてを知っている力です。でも皆さんは具体的に知る必要はありません。
「クライオン、それは難しいね。私は何でも具体的に知りたいんだ」。本当ですか?このチャネリングが終わった時にあなたは車まで行って、それから食事をしに行きますね。では、車に乗り込む前にエンジンについてのマニュアルが欲しいというのですか? コスミック・インテリジェンスは宇宙のエンジンです。いずれにしろ、細かいところまで考えることはありません。直感で知るのです。直感で右か左に曲がるのが分かります。誰を祈ったらいいか、集まって祈る時がいつか、祈らななくていい時はいつかが分かります。話す時と話さなくていい時が分かります。それがコスミック・インテリジェンスです。それは彼女の紐でマスター・プラン(総合計画)の場所に吊り下げられています。
このライトワーカーは怒りません!「それはムリだ!人間は怒るものでそれが人間の性(さが)だ」と言うでしょう。確かに、そうですね。まさに人間です。「ライトワーカー」の人たちは露骨に怒りを露わにするようなことはありません。ライトワーカーは発達しています。怒りは悟ったマスターのすることではありません。その点を考えてください。怒りを露わにした後、どうしますか? 後で「ちょっと間が差してしまった」と言って謝りますが、そういう言い方で正しくなかったと認めます。
怒りについて考えてください。怒りは皆さんに責任があり、それは二極性の性質です。「ごめんなさい。つい感情的になりました」と言います。でも彼女についうっかりはありません。怒りませんが、がっかりします。彼女は思いやる気持ちがあります。彼女と一緒にいたいですか? 彼女と歩きたいですか? そのような性質は、かつて地球で生きたマスターたちが持っていました。家に帰って歴史を調べてみてください。子供たちは皆彼らと一緒にいるのが好きでした。大人も好きでした。「そのような人と一緒にいたい!」、こころからそう思うでしょう。それが地球にいたマスターたちのエネルギーでした。でも、人間の皆さん、あなた方はその方向に向かっているのです。それが、あなたが約束したこと、願いなのです。
では、彼女の体の内部で何が進行しているのかお話しましょう。病気ではありませんので心配いりません。病気もありますが、それに攻撃されることはありません。それも彼女のプログラムのうちなのです。彼女には紐があります。細胞に語りかけると、細胞はボスの話を聞きますが、彼女がボスです。最近自分の細胞に話しかけたことのある人はどれくらいいますか?悟りや光明というのがどこにあるのか知っていますか? つま先や肘、腕、大脳の中にあるのですか? 細胞のある所至るところにあります。意識やマインドの中ではありません。つまりそれが全身で悟ることです。きちんと細胞に話しかけて細胞がそれを理解すると、病気に罹ることはないということが分かりますか? それがマスタリーというものです。そうでなければこんなことはお話しません。
彼女は孤独でもありません。近づいてくる人が好きです。それで人生が豊かになりますが、でも親しくなって楽しくするような関係は眼中にありません。一日が終わる頃一人家に帰ると、毎回ドアに向かって言います。「私は神聖な存在です(I am that I am.)。私にとって必要なことは(本当の)自分自身でいること」。彼女は何でも起こるに任せ、自由意志に任せます。ですが孤独ではありません。絶望的でもなくすぐに反応しません。なぜなら神の愛とともにいるという宇宙の感覚を覚えているからです。あなたが人間を好きになる時にも同じことが起こります。そして、このライトワーカーは人間が好きなのです。
あなたは誰ですか? ライトワーカーですか? そうでなければどうしたいのですか? それが今回の私たちの言いたいことです。それで今日は終わりにします。私のパートナーとの関係の後にクライオンのエネルギーを持つ人が出てくるでしょう。それも彼と同じようなチャネリングメッセージです。その時は、自分をマスターすることや地球平和を築き上げたお祝いのメッセージになるでしょう。そして私はその扉を開けて皆さんが考えもつかない未来を見つめられるようにしました。でも今の状況では何も分かりません。はっきり言いましょう。陽は昇ります。しかし、その時は人間の生き残りという戦いに加わりながらもこのメッセージを読む人や聞く人が必ずいます。
不運な人に、生きるために苦しんでいる人に、食べるものがなく夜な夜な心配する人に光を送ったのは最近ではいつですか? そういう人たちがたくさんいます。皆さんの中にはあまりいないでしょう。多分光を送ることは、皆さんがここに来てやろうとした役目ではありませんか? そうですね。
I want to take you someplace and introduce you to someone. It's a Lightworker. This Lightworker's going to be nameless, but I'm going to make it a female. I'm going to introduce you to this Lightworker to give you the definition of whole-body healing.
First of all, as you approach her, you feel good. One Human to another, you feel good. You don't know why, but you feel good. You haven't even met her, yet you've already made up your mind, "This is a good person, I like this person, I can hardly wait to meet this person." She radiates the love of God. This is important for you to note. She's not evangelistic. She may not even seem that spiritual. She doesn't wear religion on her sleeve. She's sweet. She reminds you of something you can't really put your finger on, but you don't know what it is. Is it mother energy? You don't know. But I'll tell you what it is. You're remembering the love of God! Because her strings are out, you see? [Again this is a reference to the quantum strings that we all have between us, but that are not felt or used by all. It is a spiritual attribute that needs to be developed and enhanced.]
When you get in her field, then you feel it. Her strings are out, you see? This Lightworker is balanced. She's spiritually balanced. She's centered. She listens. She's interested in you. She makes you feel good. She has no agenda, and you don't feel like she's got a story that she wants to force upon you or anything like that. She's wide open. Oh, don't you just love being around her? What is this attraction?
To some of you, it's the mother you always wanted. To others, it's the mother you had. What is that feeling? What is that? I'll tell you, dear one. Her strings are touching you and they are the love of God. It's not evangelistic, either. They are compassionate, invitational strings, and they speak to your DNA. She's intuitive and balanced, and she knows who you are. She knows what you need. She knows so much, because her strings are out.
Her DNA has been activated, and it's resounding. She's on this earth, seeming like one foot in one dimension and the other foot in the other. Even the cells of her body know it. They all know it. She's got her strings out. Intuitively, she knows where to send the light. And you might say, "Well, how can any Human Being know that much? Where to send the light? There's so much going on. She knows them by name? Who to send to and where?" No, dear one. Instead, she understands something that we're going to talk about a little more someday. She knows all about cosmic intelligence. It's a source, a pool of energy that you can dip into and be part of, a force that knows everything about everything. You don't have to know the specifics.
"Kryon, that's hard for me. I've got to know the specifics to do anything accurately." Really? You're going to your car after this channelling, and going to eat. Now, you're telling me that you require the manual to figure out the engine before you get in? I don't think so. You just want to go, don't you? Cosmic intelligence is the engine of the Universe and you don't have to think about it, either. Those with mastery know how to use this cosmic intelligence engine. That's their intuition. That helps them to turn left and to turn right, whom to send prayers to, when to assemble the group and pray, and when not to. It tells them when to say something and when not to speak at all. Cosmic intelligence. It's hooked to the master plan through her strings.
She handled her duality a long time ago and put it in the back seat. That's how she did it. It's with her for life, you know? That polarity of Human versus divine is there forever. But in her case, in the back seat, irritating her every day! But it's never in charge, you see. When others would be fearful, she recognizes where the fear comes from. It comes from what we call the second brain. It doesn't come from the head, it comes from the stomach, or the lower energy. Fear starts to come up from that, and she intercepts it. . . puts it in the back seat. She knows all about duality. She's balanced, you know?
This Lightworker doesn't have anger! You say, "That's impossible! All Humans have anger. It's a Human trait." On this, dear one, I will agree. . . very Human. Raw anger is not part of a Lightworker, however, for Lightworkers are enhanced Humans. Anger is not part of the countenance of an enlightened master. Think about it. Every time raw anger appears and you act on it, what do you want to do later? You want to go back and apologize that it happened. "Oops!," you say, "It just slipped out." That's your way of saying it was inappropriate behavior, right? Think about it. Anger is the duality in charge of you. "I'm sorry," you say. "Somehow it got out of the back seat into my lap!" This Lightworker has it in the back seat forever. It doesn't pop out. She's doesn't get angry. Instead, she gets disappointed. She has compassion. Oh, don't you just want to be with her? Don't you just want to walk next to her, side by side? These are the attributes of what the masters had on the earth. Go back and study your history. All the children wanted to be with them. The adults just loved them, too. "Oh, just to be next to this person!" they would say, as they placed their hand on their hearts. That's the energy the masters of the earth all had, but I'm telling you, Human Being, that this is what you are headed for and is your promise.
Now, let me tell you what's going on inside her body. Disease. No, don't worry. It's there, but, you see, it can't attach itself. This is not part of her program, because she's got her strings out. She talks to her cellular structure and it listens to the boss and she's the boss. How many of you have talked to your cells lately? Do you understand where your enlightenment is? It's in your toe, in your elbow, in your arm, your brain? It's everywhere your cells are, not just in your consciousness or your mind. It's a full-body enlightenment. Do you realize that if you talked to your cells regularly and they understood who's talking, disease would not touch you? Do you understand? That's what mastery is. We wouldn't tell you this unless it were so.
I'll give you the last one. She knows who she is, because she remembers. Some would say, "Well, tell me more about this person. Does she have a mate? Does she have a partner?" I'll tell you. This one? No, she does not. And you'll say, "Well, that's sad." Let me tell you about her, because she remembers who she is and she says to herself every day, "I am sufficient. It is well within my soul. If alone is the way to be, I'll do my work alone. Thanks be to God, I am who I am." She has the love of God in her life and she is not alone.
She is not lonely, either. Oh, she enjoys those Humans who come over and enrich her life, but the intimacy that might be enjoyed within a relationship is not on her mind. At the end of the day, when she goes home alone, she makes a statement to the door every time she walks into that place. She says, "I am that I am. And I need only what I am." She's giving permission and free choice for anything to take place, but she is not lonely, and she's not desperate, and she's not despondent because she remembers the cosmic feeling of being in love with God. That's what happens when you fall in love with the Human race, too. And the Lightworker is in love with humanity.
Who are you? Are you a Lightworker? If not, do you want to be? That's our message. That's all we've got. This could be the message to the very end of our time. . . until there are no more messages. Oh, there will be those who will carry Kryon long after my partner is with me. Their message will be the same as his. It will be about mastery, and a celebration of how you all created peace on Earth. . . and I just opened the door for you to look into the future - a future you can't even consider now because of what's going on around the planet. But I'll tell you, the sun's going to come out. But it's not going to do it without everyone who is here reading and hearing joining this battle of Human survival. When's the last time you sent your light to those who are not as fortunate - those in survival, who do not have food on their tables or are worried about their lives this night? There are so many of those, and so few of you. Perhaps that's a mandate that you came here to do something? It is.
Lighthouses, do your work.
And so it is.
The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.
Lee Carroll